Risk & Assurance Advisory

Enterprise Risk Management

Business Continuity & Crisis Management

Change Management

Climate Change Risk Management

Work Health & Safety

The Issue…

Many organisations have found it challenging to develop and implement effective Risk Management programs.

A lack of internal risk experts, increasing compliance obligations, and requirements to align with ISO/AS/NZ standards are some of the factors contributing to the challenge.

The Solution

HBM have delivered professional services, templates and tools to help move organisations achieve higher maturity states.

Our experience delivering to more than 50 international and Australian organisations has provided Executives and Managers with robust processes and given Boards increased assurance around ERM maturity, with a clear roadmap to achieving ERM desired-state.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Those in charge of organisations have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the organisation.

To discharge these duties, Directors and Senior Management need to understand the organisation’s compliance obligations, its enterprise risks, and the impacts of those risks, on the organisation’s ability to achieve its strategic objectives.

Senior management have responsibility to establish and maintain an enterprise risk management framework aligned with the International/Australian Risk Management Standard, ISO/AS 31000:2018, and maintain effective risk management systems, inclusive of adequate risk mitigations.

Services available:

  • ERM compliance assessments & internal audits
  • ERM program development and enhancement
  • ERM extended delivery and secondments
  • Risk Assurance assessments & internal audits
  • ERM Training, socialisation and embedding

Business Continuity & Crisis Management

Natural disasters, changes in government, staff attraction / recruitment / retention, costs volatility, and even cyber security have made it challenging for organisations across Australia to achieve their respective strategic objectives.

High functioning organisations have created risk management plans inclusive of mitigations and contingencies, to address operational disruption risks. These plans are called Business Continuity Plans and are typically aligned with the Business Continuity Standard, ISO/AS/NZ 22301:2019

Key changes to the way high functioning business continuity organisations now operate include the following:

1. Integration of crisis management and business continuity in to a single response process.

2. The use of a framework approach that can be implemented regardless of the disruption event. Many high functioning organisations have adopted the PEARL model as the framework of choice.

3. The utilisation of a hierarchical response process based on criticality and importance.

Services available:

  • Business Continuity & Crisis Management compliance assessments & internal audits
  • Program development and enhancement – based on current best practices
  • Crisis Event Communications
  • Testing including facilitation of desktop scenario exercises
  • Training, socialisation and embedding
  • Debriefings and lessons learnt
  • Business Continuity Manager/Coordinator extended delivery and secondments

Change Management

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”

Peter Drucker

HBM Change Managers have been successfully delivering change management services as a part of small, medium, large and transformation projects since 2015.

Since that time, it has become apparent that change management is critical to change success, but it’s often not adequately considered and incorporated.

HBM assists projects by developing change plans that can be delivered by the organisation or by providing Change Managers, on an as-needs basis.

Services available:

  • Change Management Plans
  • Change Socialisation & Embedding Strategies
  • Change Readiness Assessments
  • Change Management Communications
  • Change Effectiveness Testing
  • Education Engagement Programs
  • Training & Workshops Development, Delivery and Facilitation
  • Change Manager – Extended Delivery and Secondments

Climate Change Risk Management

Climate change is underway and will impact organisations globally for many years in the future.

To be resilient, there is a need for all organisations to increase identification and assessment of climate change risks to adequately address the increasing compliance obligations, complex interactions, interdependencies, and adaptation actions required.

In the future, consumers expectations will be on organisations to do their part for people and the planet, and being able to demonstrate sustainability through tracking and managing of changes that minimise impact.

Services available:

  • Compliance assessments & internal audits
  • Current and future-state compliance obligations
  • Adaptation assessments & development
  • Strategic & operational risk assessments
  • Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Climate change extended delivery and secondments

Work Health & Safety

Organisations must comply with Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws (Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) in Victoria) for the health and safety of workers, contractors, volunteers and people who come in contact with the organisation.

The WHS Acts and Regulations require organisations who have a duty to ‘manage risks’ by eliminating health and safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable, and if it is not reasonably practicable to do so, to minimise those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

At the foundational level, this means establishing a formal process for identifying hazards, evaluating and analyzing risks associated with those hazards, then taking action to eliminate the hazards or control the risks that can’t be eliminated to minimise injury and illness potential.

Services available:

HBM has delivered multiple diverse WHS projects that have assisted organisations across Australia to enhance their WHS and align with WHS compliance obligations.

  • Compliance assessments & internal audits
  • Program development
  • Training, socialisation and embedding
  • Debriefings and lessons learnt
  • WHS/OHS extended delivery and secondments


For more details

Email: contact@hbm.ltd